Thursday, February 5, 2009

Challenge #9 from Jay

this one was a hard one for me ~ i'm not into the vintage style (and i don't like working with "you gotta use this, and that, and one of these...." LOL!), but overall, I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out.
The two photos are of me and my daughter at almost the exact same age - i couldn't find a good one of her from a few months later when she was missing both front teeth (or one of me when i was only missing one.... lol), and the teachers nowadays don't wrap your lost teeth up in kleenex and tape them to your shirt when you lose them at school, ROFL!
But still... it's pretty scary how much we look alike.
The poor girl...

visit my gallery at NDISB (link on the top left) to view the full credits